It's Christmas in July! And in your inbox.

Boys Town wants to help make your home a happier place. That’s why our Tool-A-Day Giveaway is delivering 12 days of parenting and family tools directly to your inbox. 

You’ll receive 12 emails with skill-building tools that can help improve your communication, decrease negative child behaviors and even add in a little more fun to your family dynamic. 

Sign up today by telling us where to send your first email:

We’ll include things like:

  • Our Summer Activities List
  • An eBook on sibling rivalry 
  • Tips on teaching kids kindness 
  • Even an exclusive discount for some of our top-selling children’s books

As an added bonus, you will automatically be signed up for our monthly eNewsletter. Boys Town has been working with kids for a century, and we have taken what we've learned and developed parenting advice and tools that you won't find anywhere else.